“I can’t do this without you.” “I will not leave you, I will not forsake you.” “You’re my only hope.”
I’m not afraid to die, I just don’t want to be here when it happens. – Anakin Skywalker
When it comes to Star Wars, we all know Anakin Skywalker is one of the most significant characters in the whole series. Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine’s most powerful puppet, betrayed the Jedi and became Darth Vader, the child who was meant to restore balance to the Force. While Anakin’s narrative has previously been discussed on Fiction Horizon, we’ve chosen to focus today’s post on a different element of his personality: his words.
This article will contain a list of the 30 most memorable Anakin Skywalker lines from the Star Wars saga. We’ve gathered some memorable quotes from movies and TV programs, and we hope you like them!
30. “My name is Anakin, and I am a person!”
A beautiful beginning that shows Anakin never saw himself as a slave, despite the fact that he was one. Padmé received this response at a time when neither of them knew how their tale would end.
29. “She would carry out her responsibilities.”
Padmé was thrown off a ship. Okay? Anakin desired to rescue her, but Obi-Wan desired to follow Dooku, knowing that the queen would be saved by someone else. “Come to your senses!” Obi-Wan said after a brief exchange of words. “How do you think Padmé would react if she were in your shoes?” As quoted, Anakin responded.
“It’s all Obi-fault!” Wan’s 28. He’s envious! He’s stifling my progress!”
This occurred at a time when Anakin’s Dark Side was steadily converting him into a Sith Lord. He mistakenly believed that his Master was holding him back because he was stronger than him, which was not the case.
27. “Love will not rescue you, Padmé; only my new abilities can.”
Once again, Dark Anakin is at his finest! No, no, there are no feelings, no love, nothing except the Dark Side’s ruthless might. Was it successful? Certainly not.
26. “I don’t know what I’ve done!”
Isn’t it a little late to ask yourself this question now that you’ve helped Palpatine murder Mace Windu? But, alright, you betrayed your previous squad; fortunately for you, Palpatine accepted you into his team, right?
“I am a slow learner,” says number 25.
Although he wasn’t, Anakin was known for his clever comments, and this one, directed at the pretentious Count Dooku, was particularly amusing.
24. “My Master, the Separatists have been ‘taken care of.’”
Grievous had sent the Separatists to Mustafar with assurances of protection. In the meanwhile, he perished, but even he had no idea that Palpatine would dispatch his new teacher’s pet to kill them all. Anakin, however, had gotten the hang of it by that point.
23. “For you, my lord, this is the end.”
Yes, Anakin isn’t the best person to ask for a future forecast; he has a terrible track record. He believed he could beat Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he was left for dead with just one leg, which had been almost totally burnt.
“You can’t!” says number 22. He’ll have to face trial.”
You first find him, then you betray him to the Jedi. Then you want to beat him while remaining in the background. Then you disobey and come just in time to preach justice, just as your ally’s hand is chopped off and the enemy is about to murder him. Sure, he had to go to court…
21. “Anything you… ask, I will do.”
Anakin has a track record of accomplishing whatever was asked of him. Unfortunately, he typically did it for the wrong people. This was stated to Palpatine shortly after he had assisted him in the assassination of Mace Windu. Kudos?
20. “Obi-Wan, don’t lecture me. I can see right through the Jedi’s falsehoods. I don’t have the same dread of the Dark Side as you have. To my new kingdom, I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security!”
Obi-Wan wasn’t lecturing him, of course. He attempted to assist him. However, Anakin had been so tainted by the Dark Side that Obi-teachings Wan’s were totally useless at this time. Anakin’s prophecies were, once again, totally wrong in the end.
19. “Luke, please assist me in removing… this mask.”
A last pause for reflection. The dying Vader transforms into Anakin Skywalker once again, seeing his son without his mask for the first and final time. This was one of the most moving scenes in the whole series.
18. “I swear to follow your instructions.”
Of course you would, you conceited jerk! You’d fall for a con artist like Palpatine if you desired authority and access to forbidden knowledge.
17. “I’m in desperate need of him!”
He felt he needed him, but he never saw through Palpatine’s falsehoods and manipulations, even if he saw through his own cover. Palpatine just cared about himself, and Anakin didn’t understand that for a long time.
16. “Master, the Chancellor is a formidable opponent. If you’re going to arrest him, you’ll need my assistance.”
Listen, Mace Windu was the greatest swordsman among the Jedi, and he could take Palpatine on his own, as he would show. Palpatine would have died if it hadn’t been for your blunder. So, no, they didn’t need your assistance; they just wanted you to remain put. That is something you did not do.
“I’m going to report you to the Jedi Council.”
That’s not going to happen, child. Maybe you believed you’d do it, and maybe you would have done it if Windu had let you go, but you’d made so many mistakes previously that Windu had reason to distrust you. He did inform the Council, but he never surrendered him to them.
14. “Mom, you stated that the most serious issue in the universe is that no one assists one another.”
When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan encountered him, he was a younger Anakin, a guy who was nearly entirely pure. His mother was a knowledgeable but sorrowful lady who did her hardest to instill in Anakin the real meaning of life. The only problem is that Anakin want something more.
13. “I despise you!”
Well, it’s hard not to despise someone who has just severed three of your limbs, left you with full-body burns, and abandoned you on a volcanic planet in the Outer Rim. Okay, he’s forgetting that he intended to murder him as well, but that’s beside the point.
12. “You’ve made a mistake!”
We’d be extremely wealthy if we had a $1 for every incorrect forecast Anakin made. Ironically, he was the one who made the error in this case, and he was the one who nearly perished as a result of it.
11. “Well, I suppose I should be! Someday, I’ll be… I’ll be the most powerful Jedi of all time. I guarantee it. I’ll even figure out how to keep people from dying.”
Anakin’s desire for everything and anything else is nothing new. He aspired to be the most powerful Jedi of all time, but his hubris blinded him, and he never lived up to his potential.
10. “Please tell me whether you are hurting as much as I am.”
Love was prohibited to the Jedi because they needed to keep their emotions in check, and love, although lovely, could also be a source of pain in certain circumstances. Anakin adored Padmé, and although Obi-Wan sympathized with him, Anakin was unable to control his feelings.
9. “You’ll give it your all.”
Anakin, as previously mentioned, was terrible at making predictions. If he couldn’t turn Anakin back, Obi-Wan vowed that he would carry out his job, even if it meant murdering him. Anakin’s arrogance, on the other hand, thought differently. You can probably guess who was correct.
8. “Thank you… my master,” says the narrator.
Anakin pledging loyalty to his new master, Darth Sidious, and becoming Darth Vader is the ultimate act of treachery. Probably the darkest point in the story.
“Something is going on. I’m not the Jedi I’m supposed to be. I wish I could have more, but I know I shouldn’t.”
Anakin wasn’t a moron. He could tell he was changing, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Even before he met Palpatine and succumbed to his machinations, the Dark Side had taken possession of him. Why? Simply because he desired more than he was entitled to.
6. “If you’re not with me, you’re my adversary!”
Obi-Wan retorted that only a Sith deals in absolutes. That was, in fact, the case. Anakin had either an adversary or an ally. There was no distinction between these two groups, which is why Obi-remarks Wan’s were ultimately ineffective.
5. “You don’t realize how strong I am!”
Isn’t this just another of Anakin’s erroneous predictions? He was so blinded by his hubris that he totally disregarded Obi-appeal Wan’s not to assault him since Obi-Wan had the upper hand. Anakin refused to listen and went for it, and we all know what happened afterwards.
4. “I was the one who murdered them. They were all murdered by me. Every single one of them is no longer alive. Not just the males, but also the ladies and the children! They’re as wild as animals, and I killed them as wild as animals! I despise them!”
Okay, these weren’t Younglings; they were the Sand People who abducted, enslaved, and tormented Anakin’s mother, so that’s a little more acceptable, but it was a strong indication that Anakin was on the Dark Side.
3. “I assumed you were the one who devised the strategy.”
Anakin had a highly dynamic connection with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, much as he did with Obi-Wan, and the two exchanged some great moments throughout The Clone Wars series.
2. “Master, don’t say that. You’re the closest I’ve ever come to having a father.”
“Why do I have the sense you’re going to be the death of me?” Obi-Wan questioned Anakin. “Then why don’t you listen to me?” Obi-Wan responded, as stated. ” This is a typical encounter between the two in the Prequel Trilogy.
1. “You’ve already done it, Luke.” You were absolutely correct. You were correct in your assessment of me. Tell your sister that she was correct.”
A poignant conclusion for a repentant Darth Vader, who tells his son that he was correct all along about him. Luke had confidence in his father’s good intentions, and he was right at this point.
Before we finish up, here are some commonly asked questions regarding Anakin Skywalker quotes and their replies.
What Is Anakin’s Phenomenon?
As we’ve seen, Anakin Skywalker has spoken a number of famous phrases that have been synonymous with the Star Wars series, but he doesn’t really have a signature phrase, something he says all the time or that has stayed with him for a long time.
What did Anakin say before he died?
“You already have, Luke,” Anakin said as his last words to his son. You were absolutely correct. You were correct in your assessment of me. Tell your sister that she was correct.”
I have a bad feeling about this anakin skywalker said to himself as he watched the death star destroy the planet of sand. Reference: anakin skywalker quotes sand.