A fat transfer, or fat grafting, is a procedure that uses gentle liposuction to remove fat from body areas with fat to spare like thighs, hips, lower back, and lower abdomen (donor sites). The extracted fat is then transferred to body areas that would aesthetically benefit from increased volume. Most often, Sandy Springs fat transfer adds plumpness or increases volume in the face. Fat injections are a great way to reverse aging effects like thin skin without artificial fillers. Although fat is commonly transferred to the face, this procedure can also benefit other body areas, including lips, breasts, and buttocks.
Your healthcare provider may recommend fat injections to plump your cheeks, fill in under-eye bags, or correct creased and sunken face areas. Besides adding volume, a fat transfer procedure replenishes blood and nutrients to the skin, giving you a healthier and more youthful appearance. Fat injections are also effective in treating dimples or abnormal depressions on your body.
How do I prepare for fat transfer?

First, you should discuss with your doctor if fat transfer is an option for you. Your provider may inform you that fat grafting is a remedy for obesity, so you should be in good health to be viable for the procedure. Your doctor will tell you what could go wrong after a surgical fat transfer during a consultation. Although the method is relatively safe, it poses the risk of several complications, including:
• Hematoma. A pool of clotted blood can collect beneath the skin, usually due to damaged blood vessels.
• Fat embolism. A piece of fat may block a blood vessel
• Fat necrosis or death of adipose tissues
• Pneumothorax. Air may leak into the space between your lungs and chest wall
• Hypertrophic scars
Most surgical procedures also carry the risk of infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, and allergic reaction to anesthesia.
Once your doctor confirms you are a good candidate for a fat transfer, there are several things you should do in preparation; For example, you need to maintain proper hydration; this is essential before and after the procedure. If you take blood-thinning medications like aspirin and NSAIDS, you should discontinue their use since they increase your risk of excessive bleeding and bruising.
Vitamins or homeopathic supplements can also increase bleeding, so you need to discontinue their use. If you smoke, your provider will require you to quit at least six weeks before the procedure to avoid slow-healing wounds and reduce scarring.
What does a fat transfer procedure entail?

You and your surgeon will decide on a donor site, the areas where fat will be harvested. Next, your surgeon uses local anesthesia to desensitize the donor site. Usually, local anesthesia is enough, but your provider may administer IV sedation. If you are sedated, you will require pre-operative clearance from your specialist. After the local anesthesia takes effect, the surgeon makes an incision on the donor site and extracts fat using a cannula connected to a syringe. The harvested fat is then processed in a centrifuge to obtain the most viable fat and injected into the desired area or recipient site.
Consult your provider at Wellife Center to know how you can benefit from fat transfer.