Varicose veins are stretched and twisted veins that appear closely on the surface of your skin. They occur when the vein valves are weak or damaged, allowing some blood to flow back and accumulate in the legs. Varicose veins are a cosmetic concern for most people and do not necessarily cause bothersome symptoms. However, varicose veins can cause pain, burning, and swelling in others and may need treatment. Simple remedies such as exercise and wearing compression stockings may help, but for severe symptoms, you may need to see your Jackson Heights vascular center specialist for further treatments. The following are tips to help you prevent varicose veins.
How can I prevent varicose veins?
Watch your weight
If you have excess weight, you exert added pressure on your legs’ veins, damaging or weakening the valves. When your valves are weak or damaged, they don’t function normally; instead, they allow some blood to flow. Accumulation of blood causes your veins to enlarge, twist, and appear close to your skin surface. Losing extra pounds and staying within your ideal weight reduces your risk of varicose veins. Further, losing excess weight reduces your risk of severe health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Your leg muscles are your greatest allies; they help your veins push blood to the heart. Therefore, they need to be strong to function well, and what better way to strengthen them than exercise? Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, especially leg exercises such as walking improves blood circulation. Additionally, exercising keeps you in a good mood because it triggers the release of endorphins and helps you lose weight.
Avoid sitting or standing for too long
Varicose veins are common in office workers because they sit at their desks for hours. Sitting for long hours inhibits blood circulation; instead of blood flowing to the heart, it accumulates in the veins. If your work requires you to sit for an extended period, take breaks after every 30 minutes and walk around to improve blood circulation. If you plan for a long-distance journey, consider wearing support pantyhose to avoid leg swelling.
Avoid high heels and tight hosiery
Clothes that are too tight around our waist, pelvis, and legs press interfere with blood circulation and may result in varicose veins. Therefore, your apparel shouldn’t be too tight, especially on your legs and pelvic region. If you love your high-heeled shoes, it is essential to know that you are more likely to develop varicose veins. The pressure on the veins in your legs may weaken or damage the valves. If you can’t trade your high-heeled shoes for flat shoes, at least limit how frequent you wear them
Elevate your legs

Propping up your legs helps blood circulation; it encourages blood to flow to the heart instead of accumulating in the veins. Remember to elevate your legs each time you sit or lie on a flat surface; you can prop them up on a stool or pillow.
If you have large twisted veins in your legs, reserve a session with your doctor at Premier Vascular for treatment.