Have you been diagnosed with uterine fibroids? Fibroids tumors are common, with many women developing them during their reproductive years. While most are benign (non-cancerous), the tumors vary in size. They can cause a range of unpleasant concerns, including pelvic pressure, pain, heavy periods, bloating, constipation, and urinary frequency, to mention a few. The treatments vary from observation and minimally-invasive procedures to hysterectomy. This depends on your age, previous treatment, symptoms, and desire to maintain fertility. Among the treatments is Plantation uterine fibroid embolization, a minimally-invasive procedure that shrinks the fibroids by cutting their blood supply.
When to consider Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

UFE is a safe and effective fibroids treatment option. Since it is non-surgical and minimally invasive, you will not be subjected to significant downtime. Most patients return home after the procedure. You can also resume your routine within as fast as a week. The procedure also preserves your uterus.
Such contributions make UFE an attractive solution for virtually any woman dealing with fibroids. Nonetheless, talking to your doctor to establish if you are a good candidate is essential. For instance, the treatment might not be ideal if you have an active pelvic infection. Moreover, you may not be a good candidate if you have endometrial cancer or certain uncorrectable bleeding conditions. It is also not recommended for patients who want to preserve their fertility.
What to expect after treatment
After the treatment, you will not need to follow any special measures. Within a few as ten days, you can expect to be back to your best. Nonetheless, the first few days can be challenging. They are typically characterized by pelvic pain and pressure. You could also experience side effects like low energy levels, fever, and chills. Your doctor can prescribe painkillers and anti-nausea medication to help manage such concerns.
In most instances, the first cycle after UFE treatment is heavier. It also includes more discomfort than you usually experience. The treatment’s effects take time to be fully noticed, averaging three months. The effects continue to occur, further shrinking the fibroids, and can last upwards of 9 months. Most patients notice significant changes after the treatment. In some instances, you may need a second treatment to improve the results.

Potential risks
UFE treatment risks and complications are rare. Nonetheless, you could be exposed to:
- Infections
- Bleeding
- Injury damaging or bruising blood vessels
If you are close to the menopause stage, you could stop having the periods after the treatment. Such risks and complications hardly happen, but the bottom line is to ensure you pick an experienced and reputable doctor. With a clean and safe facility and hands-on experience, the treatment process is more productive, keeping such concerns at bay.

Preparing for UFE treatment
There are no special requirements as you prepare for Uterine Fibroid Embolization. Nonetheless, you should not take solid foods and beverages 6 hours before the treatment. However, you can keep drinking water up to the last 2 hours before UFE treatment.
If you are concerned you might have uterine fibroids, do not hesitate to seek medical attention. Visit South Florida Vascular Associates for diagnosis, treatment, and support.