Fat transfer is the most recent technique to gain traction in the realm of breast augmentation, but is it actually the next big thing? At Matthew J. Lynch, MD, the cosmetic and constructive breast surgeon regularly meet with women intrigued in fat transfer breast augmentation. Whereas this procedure has numerous advantages to offer, it might not be the substitute for breast implants that some people expect it to be. In this post, East Windsor fat grafting specialist Dr. Lynch discusses how fat transfer for breast augmentation and reconstruction works, where it comes up short, and how it can best be utilized to get outstanding breast surgery outcomes. Continue reading to learn more.
What Is Fat Transfer For Breast Augmentation?

Fat transfer for breast augmentation and reconstruction is when a surgeon removes fat somewhere else on the body through liposuction, prepares it, and injects it into or around the breasts.
Whereas implants have traditionally been the preferred method of breast augmentation, this method has gained popularity in recent years due to the following:
· Natural Volume: Volume is collected from your body, implying no saline or silicone implants are utilized.
· Quicker Recovery: This procedure is less intrusive than breast augmentation with implants, making recovery quicker.
· Little To Non-Existent Scarring Around The Breasts: Unlike implant implantation, which necessitates cuts near or on the breast, fat transfer leaves relatively minor scars.
Is Fat Grafting a Breast Implant Replacement? No

Fat transfer is most effective for generating a small size increase of ½ to 1 cup size; far less than what most women want from breast augmentation. What’s more, considering that not all fat implanted in your breast will ‘take’ or last, the outcome may be less predictable in the long run. Implants, however, offer consistent volume that keeps its size and form for many years.
With fat grafting for breast augmentation, you might require several procedures to attain optimal outcomes. These procedures could be pricey, necessitating multiple surgeries and recovery periods, which negates the supposed convenience.
Is Fat Grafting Effective for Breast Augmentation? Yes

Fat grafting, when used in conjunction with breast implants, can improve outcomes by:
· Concealing implant edges and avoiding or correcting rippling
· Creating a smooth and symmetrical look by evening out volume abnormalities
· Fine-tuning the softness and contour of the breasts for a more natural feel and look
Furthermore, you may have this procedure, and breast augmentation performed simultaneously. It will have no extra recovery time.
Are you concerned about scarring, contour irregularities, or asymmetry following mastectomy, radiation therapy, or lumpectomy? If so, fat grafting for breast augmentation or reconstruction may be ideal for you. Nonetheless, it is best first to arrange a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon you trust, such as the one at the private practice of Matthew J. Lynch, MD. During this appointment, Dr. Matthew J. Lynch will review your health history, objectives, and other variables to help you establish if fat grafting is the ideal way to attain the outcomes you want. Call the East Windsor, NJ office or use the online scheduling tool to arrange an appointment right away.